Start Date:
February 2021
End Date:
36 Months
GA Number: 101037867
Title: VACCELERATE - The New European Vaccine Research Network
Design: Phase 2 & 3 COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials
Volunteer Registry: VACCELERATE has a created the Volunteer Registry (www.vaccelerate.eu/volunteer-registry), a tool through which it aims to involve the general population by providing direct access to trials on new vaccines for infectious diseases. The Volunteer Registry is available in 22 countries and in several local languages. More countries are joining. More than 100,000 volunteers already registered.
Background: VACCELERATE is a network for pandemic preparedness in Europe, planning and coordinating phase 2 & 3 vaccine trials in all EU-member states and EU-associated countries under one strategic-scientific umbrella. It serves as a single-entry point for all stakeholders involved in COVID-19 vaccine development (pharma, academia, European Commission, EMA, ECDC, national health authorities and others).
To address any research question outside the big registration trials, such as vaccine efficacy in case of virus variants, trials in children, pregnant women and immuno- compromised patients, trials on combination of different vaccines etc.
Creation of a Stakeholder Working Group (SWG) to facilitate strategic discussions and to identify unanswered public health needs.
Promotion of a harmonised acquisition, open exchange and consolidation of data for enhanced data analysis across trial through the setting up of volunteer registries.
Additionally, VACCELERATE addresses vaccine hesitancy through systematic reviews of available information and through specific information material to dispel myths about vaccines and clinical trials.
Klinikum Der Universitaet Zu Koeln (UHC) - GERMANY
Biomedicinske Centrum Slovenskej Akademie Vied - SLOVAKIA
Centro Hospitalar Universitario Do Porto Epe - PORTUGAL
Kentro Klinikis Epidimiologias Kai Ekvasis Nosimaton - GREECE
Ecrin European Clinical Research Infrastructure Network - FRANCE
European University Cyprus - CYPRUS
European Vaccine Initiative Ewiv - GERMANY
Hacettepe Universitesi - TURKEY
Institut National De La Sante Et De La Recherche Medicale (INSERM) - FRANCE
Instituto De Salud Carlos III - SPAIN
Karolinska Institutet - SWEDEN
Region Stockholm - SWEDEN
University of Belgrade - SERBIA
Ministry of Health Israel - ISREAL
Uniwersytet Medyczny W Bialymstoku - POLAND
Medizinische Universitaet Wien - AUSTRIA
University College Dublin - IRELAND
Region Hovedstaden (Regionh) - DENMARK
University of Antwerp - BELGIUM
University of Bern - SWITZERLAND
University of Bergen - NORWAY
University of Utrecht - NETHERLANDS
University of Paris - FRANCE
Viesoji Istaiga Vilniaus Universiteto Ligonine Santaros Klinikos - LITHUANIA