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Annual Research Meeting for the Infectious Diseases Centre for TRanslational REsearch

Last Friday the ID-CARE Team held their Annual Research Meeting here in Verona, which was attended by ID-CARE Director Evelina Tacconelli and Guest Speaker Nigel Sherriff alongside 70 members of staff including medical doctors, researchers, residents, and nurses.

This annual event is held at the end of the year, as a chance for the ID-CARE Team to share updates from the 20 different projects we are involved in. The agenda, which also included a presentation from Guest Speaker Nigel Sherriff, was organised according to areas of research, namely: clinical, HIV/STI, epidemiological, and COVID-19. Find out more about the projects the ID-CARE Team are involved in here.

The meeting started with an overview presentation from ID-CARE Director, Evelina Tacconelli, discussing important events from the year, interesting new partnerships and publications, new staff members and the launch of this new ID-CARE website. The new NaCLO collaboration was highlighted, alongside the recent award of the "Lean Healthcare Award" to the University Hospital of Verona for the ID-CARE projects SAVE and REVERSE, and the vital work with the Italian Medicines Agency (AIFA) regarding Antimicrobial Awareness.

Following this presentation, Nigel Sherriff, who joined us here in Verona from the University of Brighton, gave an interesting talk on his research related to screening of HIV & Syphilis in MSM, full title "A Clinic-based Evaluation of Dual Point-of-Care Testings (POCTs) for Screening of HIV & Syphilis In Men Who Have Sex With Men (MSM)". During the presentation, he explained the methods and procedures taken, the results and the impact these results could have on clinical practises. He also discussed the importance of equity in healthcare access for LGBTI+ patients, in particular the barriers to access for sexual healthcare.

Later, ID-CARE team members presented updates from their projects, including data, results, publications, guidelines, events and future next steps. The event was a fantastic opportunity to get all our colleagues together to discuss the great work completed this year. This annual meeting is particularly important for the ID-CARE Residents, who get a chance to understand the different research projects available for them to engage with, and network with project representatives to discover how they may wish to proceed with their research interests in the new year.

And to end, the ID-CARE Team wishes everyone very Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year, see you in 2024!


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