Start Date:
March 2021
End Date:
60 months
GA Number: 965313
Title: European Clinical Research Alliance on Infectious Diseases (ECRAID-Base).
Primary Objective: The ECRAID-Base Project aims to establish an independent pan-European clinical research network which will generate scientific evidence focused on improving the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of infectious diseases. The project will involve six perpetual observational studies (POS) across Europe; some of them conducted in intensive care, emergency care and primary care settings and related to different infectious diseases, all of them with the opportunity of integrating clinical research trials and developing into an adaptive platform trial. The common aim is the promptly respond to future public health threats.
The University of Verona is involved in the activities related to data management and will be responsible for continuing the EPI-Net surveillance network.
Secondary Objective: During the project, ECRAID-Base has evolved into a self-sustaining, not-for-profit organisation conducting clinical research for both public and private sponsors. The vision is that ECRAID's clinical research network will guide Europe's coordinated preparedness plans and response to infectious disease threats. By accelerating clinical trials and making them more affordable ECRAID-Base plans to encourage investment in infectious disease interventions.
UMCU, University Medical Centre Utrecht - NETHERLANDS
UANT, University of Antwerp - BELGIUM
ECRIN, European Clinical Research Infrastructure Network
OX, University of Oxford - UK
UHL, University Hospital of Limoges - FRANCE
Erasmus MC, Erasmus University Medical Centre - NETHERLANDS
UNIGE, Univesitè de Genève - SWITZERLAND
UKH, UniversitätsKlinikum Heidelberg - GERMANY
AMC, Academic Medical Center at the University of Amsterdam - NETHERLANDS
SAS-HUVM, Servicio Andaluz de Salud–Hospital Universitario Virgen Macarena - SPAIN
UOC, University of Cologne - GERMANY
INSERM, Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale - FRANCE
ICNARC, Intensive Care National Audit & Research Centre - UK
BFM, University Hospital for Infectious Diseases "Dr Fran Mihaljevic" - CROATIA
ESCMID, European Society for Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases - SWITZERLAND
ERS, European Respiratory Society - SWITZERLAND