Start Date:
August 2022
End Date:
48 months
Partner, Work Package (WP) Leader
GA Number: 101115188
Background: Many questions about Monkeypox virus disease remain unanswered to this day, particularly concerning the management of patients. MPX-RESPONSE aims to increase our knowledge of the monkeypox virus disease, to improve its therapeutic management and to further inform public health policies and guidelines through four Work Packages (WP).
- Recommendations regarding monkeypox virus disease by MPX-RESPONSE for informing policymakers, regulatory authorities, and clinicians.
- Improved understanding of clinical and virological outcomes in patients with monkeypox virus disease treated and not treated with tecovirimat (or other antiviral drugs) and, as a result improvement of care of patients with Monkeypox virus.
- Determination of the effectiveness and safety of tecovirimat in monkeypox virus disease and investigations into promising treatment options for patients with monkeypox virus disease.
- The pathophysiology of immune response to the disease are further elucidated and the impact of treatment on more specific endpoints explored to support marketing authorization at European level.
- The European network of hospitals from EU-RESPONSE and Ecraid in the EPOXI trial is established, to be used for future outbreaks;
- Experiences with rapid protocol development, regulatory submission and trial roll-out in Europe are analyzed and used to implement standard operating procedures that facilitate more rapid responses for epidemic health threats.
- Creation of an innovative model for the evaluation of treatments’ efficacy and safety at the global level and in particular for emerging infectious diseases.
Oslo Universitetssykehus HF - NORWAY
University of Verona- ITALY
Inserm Transfert SA - FRANCE
Assistance Publique Hopitaux de Paris - FRANCE
Servicio Madrileno de Salud - SPAIN
Stichting European Clinical Research Alliance ON - NETHERLANDS
Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht - NETHERLANDS
Universiteit Antwerpen - BELGIUM
ERASMUS Universitair Medisch Centrum Rotterdam - NETHERLANDS
Fundacao Oswaldo Crus - BRAZIL
Folkehelseinstituttet - NORWAY
Universitat Basel - SWITZERLAND
Les Hopitaux Universitaires de Geneve - SWITZERLAND