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Clinical Study at the centre of the REVERSE project officially kicked off

The kick-off meeting with the 24 participating hospitals (in Greece, Italy, Romania and Spain) and the project consortium on 23 February 2022 officially started REVERSE - the multi-centre, stepped-wedge, cluster-randomised clinical study on the effectiveness of microbiology and diagnostic stewardship, infection prevention and control, and antibiotic stewardship programmes.

The data collected during the study will determine the efficacy of the different interventions and will enable the development of an integrated, multifaceted package of interventions together with a validated implementation strategy in a range of economically diverse healthcare systems to reduce the burden of antimicrobial resistance in settings with high rates. At the end of the project, the European countries participating in REVERSE will have a platform of highly experienced hospitals to build and expand a national network, as well as to share strategies and success stories on an international level for combatting antimicrobial resistance.

If you want to learn more about the REVERSE Clinical Study kick-off Meeting, please visit the event website.

If you want to learn more about the clinical study itself, please visit the website on Work Package 1 of REVERSE.


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