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Impact of a two step antimicrobial stewardship program in a paediatric haematology and oncology unit

Liberati C, Barbieri E, Cavagnero F, Petris MG, Brigadoi G, Reggiani G, De Pieri M, Pierobon M, Marzollo A, Gabelli M, Trivellato S, Rigotti E, Opri F, Mengato D, Venturini F, De Canale E, Del Vecchio C, Giaquinto C, Carrara E, Tacconelli E, Biffi A, Donà D.

Objective: To describe the implementation of a multi-step antimicrobial stewardship program in a haemato-oncology and stem cell transplantation program unit. Methods: Pre-post quasi-experimental study with two interrupted time-series analyses, conducted between 01/01/2019 and 31/12/2022 in the Paediatric Haemato-Oncology Unit of the Padua Paediatric Hospital. The interventions were: (1) 02/2020: dissemination of febrile neutropenia clinical pathways, (2) April 2021: provision of the clinical pathways via a customized App ( and implementation of a twice-a-week prospective audit and feedback. The main outcome was antibiotic consumption measured by days of administered therapy (DOTs)/1000 patients' days for all antibiotics and most used molecules.

Results: The first intervention (clinical pathways) resulted in a decrease in the overall antibiotic use by the haemato-oncology unit, with an abrupt reduction of 3-gen cephalosporins in favor of piperacillin-tazobactam, as indicated by the clinical pathways. Meropenem and glycopeptide use did not vary. The second intervention (antimicrobial stewardship) further decreased total antibiotic consumption, and a significant decline in meropenem, amikacin, and glycopeptides was achieved.

Conclusions: Multi-step stewardship based on guidelines dissemination, multidisciplinary team intervention and collaboration ("handshake" stewardship) was highly effective in optimizing guidelines adherence and reducing overprescriptions in a fragile patient cohort.

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