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3rd VERDI General Assembly

Earlier this week members of the ID-CARE VERDI team attended the VERDI General Assembly. The event was a great opportunity to catch up with colleagues, discuss what has been achieved over the last year and share plans for the future of the project.

On Monday, we heard updates from WP2 and WP7, including an exciting presentation from the European Bioinformatics Institute. Professor Evelina Tacconelli presented the ID-CARE Team’s progress within WP7 of the VERDI project, mainly related to the activities of the Cohort Coordination Board (CCB) and pandemic preparedness. In the afternoon, we were able to discuss progress and challenges together in specific breakout groups, led by WP3 and WP4.

On Tuesday members of WP3 and WP4 presented the findings from these breakout groups, alongside updates and future plans. Overall, the event provided useful insight into all the areas of the VERDI project, and was an ideal situation to welcome and meet new partners.

The VERDI project aims to understand the impact of SARS-COV-2 Variants of Concern (VoC) on the health of pregnant women and children and VoC effect on clinical outcomes, the vaccination efficacy and transmission characteristics. Funded by HorizonEurope, the VERDI project was born to address important research questions, fill the knowledge gap across these populations and provide evidence-base recommendations for the control of Covid-19.

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