Title: Factorial, multicentric, randomized clinical trial of remdesivir and immunotherapy in combination with dexamethasone for moderate COVID-19 (the AMMURAVID trial) Design: Factorial, multicentric, randomized clinical trial
Primary Objective: To assess the effect of and the interaction between remdesivir and baricitinib in combination with dexamethasone on the progression to very severe respiratory failure with PaO2/FiO2 ratio <200 mmHg (ARDS-range) or mortality.
Secondary Objective(s): To assess the effects of and the interaction between remdesivir and baricitinib in combination with dexamethasone on surrogate markers of COVID-19 severity and course with particular attention towards modelling kinetics of markers of immune response associated with disease evolution.
ASST Fatebenefratelli Sacco (Coordinator)
University of Verona (Coordinator)
Luigi Sacco Hospital
University of Tor Vergata
University of Milan
INMI Lazzaro Spallanzani
Sapienza University of Rome
Hospital of Cremona
Ospedali Riuniti and University of the Marche
University of Bologna
University of Udine