Last week, the PrIMAVeRa project held their 2nd General Assembly in Utrecht, The Netherlands.
This EU-Funded project aims to predict the impact of vaccines and monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) on the reduction of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) through the development of comprehensive mathematical models, ultimately enabling decision-makers to prioritise the most promising new vaccines and mAbs. The ID-CARE Team, here at the University of Verona, is involved mostly in Work Package (WP) 1 and WP3. The aim of the work carried out in the last months was to allow more effective access to empirical data on the burden of AMR. This includes the prevalence or incidence of drug-resistant infections, their clinical impact (excess mortality, clinical failure etc.), and the associated economic costs (excess length of hospital stay).
General Assemblies are a great opportunity for updates and progress to be shared across the consortium. ID-CARE team member, Maria Diletta Pezzani, presented the progress on WP1 Outcomes: Systematic review on frequency measures of burden of AMR before engaging in a very interesting panel of discussion related to the Burden of Disease due to AMR.
Fabiana Arieti, Project Coordinator at UNIVR, mentioned that during the event it was great to hear from partners on what has been achieved and what is planned for the future. She also added it was particularly interesting to receive feedback from members of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the project, and the advice given for the future of the project. The project is soon reaching its halfway point, which is an exciting time in a project, as the first results are coming!
Recent PrIMAVeRa Publications
The PrIMAVeRa outcomes of the WP1 Systematic reviews have been successfully integrated into the EPI-Net website and three articles have been very recently accepted for publication, each linking to WP1 and the burden of AMR. ID-CARE Team members were mainly involved in the first paper, which provides a review of AMR frequency. In this paper, six key antibiotic resistant pathogens were ranked by frequency and for prioritisation of research and discovery of new therapies. Read the full paper here: