Born to be healthy is a project that aims to contribute to the containment of the spread of HIV in Kenya, mainly protecting children from the risk of infection, by guaranteeing specific and individualised pathways aimed at adherence to antiretroviral treatment for pregnant women.

In Kenya, complications remain with regard to access of HIV care, treatment and support services, particularly for adolescents, young women, new-borns and other key populations, including services for the prevention of mother-to-child HIV transmission. It is therefore important to increase access to services for the prevention of mother-to-child transmission and to diagnosis, counselling and treatment adherence services, through education on HIV and sexual and reproductive health, psycho-social support and financial support for the most vulnerable women, thus, limiting the impact on healthcare services.
The project aims to increase access to services for the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV in Nairobi County, and increase the number of HIV+ women receiving antiretroviral treatment (ART) during pregnancy and/or labour and delivery, and, as a result, reduce the number of children with new HIV infection due to transmission from HIV+ mother to child.
5 Health Centers (Kayole 1, Dandora 2, Eastleigh, Korogocho and Ngomongo) in 4 sub-counties (Ruaraka, Embakasi West, Embakasi North and Kamukunji) are involved in the project.
Within this context, the ID-CARE team is interested in understanding which factors hamper the early diagnosis of HIV in new borns and what actions can be put in place to improve the quality of the HIV services to prevent HIV mother to child transmission, supporting the drafting of the research design, defining necessary profiles and roles, and coordinating the investigation and the quantitative analysis of the data.
The partners of the project are Medicus Mundi Italia, NO ONE OUT, University of Verona Department of Diagnostics and Public Health, mothers2mothers.
The funder is AICS, through the Global Fund.
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